Articles & Code Snippets

Hidden Netflix categories

To access the extra content, all you need to do is add the code for the desired genre or sub genre to the end of the usual URL

Action & Adventure (1365)

Anime (7424)

Children & Family Movies (783)

Classic Movies (31574)

Comedies (6548)

Cult Movies (7627)

Documentaries (6839)

Dramas (5763)

Faith & Spirituality (26835)

Foreign Movies (7462)

Gay & Lesbian Movies (5977)

Horror Movies (8711)

Independent Movies (7077)

Music (1701)

Musicals (13335)

Romantic Movies (8883)

Sci-Fi & Fantasy (1492)

Sports Movies (4370)

Thrillers (8933)

TV Shows (83)

NetFlix Streaming by Type of Movie

